Isaac Tigrett - A Maverick Entrepreneur
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Case Details:
Case Code : LDEN034
Case Length : 09 Pages
Period : 1960-2004
Pub Date : 2005
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Hard Rockcafe,
House of Blues
Industry : Entertainment
Countries : USA
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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House of Blues
After Tigrett sold his stake in HRC, he wanted to
lead a quiet life. He decided to take a break from the world of
The Boardroom Rumble
According to analysts, Tigrett displayed business acumen in all his ventures.
John Sykes, president of the music-video network VH1 said, "He is building a
quality brand - you come and hear the blues, buy a burger and a T- shirt on the
way out. That's pure Isaac. He's not a quick-buck guy. He thinks long-term."32
Tigrett was confident that it was HOB's business proposition, which made
institutions like Harvard invest in the venture. "Isaac Tigrett has a creative
spark, a vision, that you just don't see in many people," said John Sallay, a
partner in the Aeneas Group...33
The Spirit Channel and the Bozo Project
In 1999, Tigrett conceived the Spirit Channel, a network for people seeking
tranquillity. The Spirit Channel on the net was conceived to include a
variety of sites...
'Love All, Serve All' and
'Help Ever, Hurt Never'
Tigrett institutionalised human values in his entrepreneurial ventures. As
he hated waiting in queues, he felt a special concern for those people
standing in long lines outside the front door of HRC. After discussions with
staff at HRC, it was decided that HRC would extend the boundary of the
restaurant to the end of the waiting line. A Queue Maitre d' (QMD) was
appointed for making people standing in the queue comfortable. The QMD used
to bring out umbrellas in rainy weather, refreshments like iced tea, cocoa
or soup depending on the weather... |
Exhibit I: Formative Years of Isaac Tigrett